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About The Young Inkwell
The Young Inkwell(EJT), was born in 2013 with the idea of being a personal blog where you can share ideas or opinions. Later, in an effort to open up the world and want to reach a larger audience, EJT expanded its sections and refreshed the web with new content. He quoted on his page: “In El Joven Tintero you will find jobs, news, chronicles, essays, opinion articles, cinematographic, theatrical or literary criticism, made for the university, for pleasure or simply a passion for writing. A window to the world. A world full of verses and mysteries to be able to share”. Following the motto of Françoise Sagan: "Only by closing the doors behind oneself do windows open towards the future".
The current EJT has evolved into a magazine digital where young communication professionals make their dreams come true. Faithful to the initial contents, in EJT the critics, the reports and news, the interviews and the diffusion of videos are maintained, included in extensive sections of gastronomy, travel, beauty, fashion, culture and well-being.
With our best wishes, EJT hopes that you like what we do, and if you are interested, you can contact us, either for a critique, an opinion, an idea or a collaboration
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